Surveyors at Redrow site The Hoplands
© Tim Callaway

Survey calendar

Not Recommended
Surveys can take place at any time of year (vegetation limits visibility in summer; activity above ground in winter)
Bats - Initial
Initial bat roost assessment of buildings and trees can take place all year; winter months preferable for trees
Bats - Roosting
Hibernation surveys only
Transition roost surveys
Dawn / Dusk Bat presence / Likely absence surveys and activity surveys. Multiple visits spaced across the season
Mating roost surveys
Hibernation surveys only
Birds - Breeding
Multiple visits spaces across the season
Birds - Wintering
Multiple visits across the season
Multiple visits across the season
Mosses, liverworts and lichens only
Surveys for higher plants and ferns. Timing varies depending on habitat
Mosses, liverworts and lichens only
Nest tube surveys: multiple visits between April and November
Great Crested Newts - HSI
Initial Habitat Suitability Index (HSI) surveys can take place at any time of year
Great Crested Newts - eDNA
eDNA surveys: Apr - Jun. std survey: multiple visits between Mar - Jun (core period mid-Apr to mid-May)
Multiple visits required throughout season, timings will vary between species
Prelim Appraisal / Habitats & Vegetation
Surveys can take place at any time of year (although weather and vegetation cover may be limiting factors)
Multiple visits spaced across the season
Multiple visits
Water Voles
First visit required April - June; Second visit July - September

Mitigation calendar

Building of artificial setts only. No disturbance of existing setts
Stopping up or destruction of exiting setts
As Jan-Jun
Works on maternity roosts only
Maternity and summer roosts until May. Hibernation roosts from Mar / Apr depemnding on size / location
Works on hibernation only
Hibernation until Oct. Maternity from Oct. Summer from Sept
Works on maternity and summer roosts only.
Clearance works map occur but must stop if nesting birds are found.
Avoid clearance of suitable habitat if possible (if unavoidable tehn additions surveys / ECoW may be required)
Clearance works may occur but must stop if nesting birds are found.
Above ground vegetation clearance only
Removal of stumps, roots and other ground level clearance if above ground vegetation was removed over the winter months.
Clearance works to early October
Above ground vegetation clearance only
Great Crested Newts
Pond management only
Newt trappings in ponds and on land
Newt trappings on land only
Pond management only
Habitats and Vegetation
Plantin and translocation
No migration for majority of species
Plantin and translocation
No seasonal constraints. Likely to be restricted where otters are found to be breeding
Vegetation clearance only. No disturbance of hibernation features
Staged vegetation clearance only. Reptile trappings can be conducted throughout this period. Activity limited by high temperatures in July / August
Vegetation clearance only. No disturbance of hibernation features
Water Voles
Avoid all work within water vole habitat
Exclusion and works possible
Avoid all work within water vole habitat
Exclusion and works possible
Avoid all work within water vole habitat